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A Different Approach to Real Estate Consultancy...

A real estate agent or someone considering working in the field of real estate consultancy has many reasons to work with myhomeTurkiye.com. We don't put limits on you. myhomeTurkiye.com has only one goal: to win together. myhomeTurkiye.com conducts business in line with the principles of honesty in the field of international real estate, with an understanding of commercial ethics. It does not give up its ethical values under any circumstances. It sees all real estate consultants as business partners and cooperates with them when necessary to provide the best service to its customers.
Below are some questions and answers you might have about working as our real estate agent business partnership.

Who can be a myhomeTurkiye.com real estate agent?
For myhomeTurkiye.com, it is important what you did before and what kind of business life you came from. myhomeTurkiye.com is an institution that prioritizes honesty and ethical values and carefully selects its business partners within the framework of compliance with these principles. Everyone has responsibilities, future goals, dreams. Real estate consultancy is not the only way to achieve these goals and dreams. But real estate consultancy is a business that provides high profits when done properly. If you are interested in International Real Estate, we would be happy to meet you and discuss how we can do successful business together.
I have not done this job before, do you provide training?
Whether you have done real estate consultancy or not before, you can get training at myhomeTurkiye.com. We believe that the training is beneficial and even if it is taken once, repeated trainings increase motivation and performance. The trainings at myhomeTurkiye.com have standardized content and are offered by experienced real estate consultants.
Are the trainings paid?
The trainings are free for myhomeTurkiye.com consultants and consultant candidates.
Can anyone attend the training?
Trainings are only open to myhomeTurkiye.com consultants and consultant candidates.
If I start this business, where will I find a portfolio?
myhomeTurkiye.com mostly works on project basis. In addition, myhomeTurkiye.com provides central support to its consultants in the acquisition of individual portfolios.
How are the office consultant sharing conditions?
At myhomeTurkiye.com, it is essential for the consultants to earn regular income. At this point, myhomeTurkiye.com differs from other consulting firms. With the portfolio and sales support it will provide, it is aimed for the consultants to see their way financially and to earn a regular and satisfactory income. In this direction, fair distribution is made on the basis of portfolio and project.
Do consultants get paid at myhomeTurkiye.com?
myhometurkiye.com consultants are independent business people and earn income through profit sharing method. They do not have a fixed salary.
Are working days and hours flexible in myhomeTurkiye.com?h
Working days and hours are flexible at myhomeTurkiye.com. However, portfolio and business direction is given to consultants intensively. Consultants are expected to meet these referrals according to their schedule. The goal is for each consultant to be productive and profitable. Consulting at myhomeTurkiye.com is a full time job with flexibility in working hours when needed. If this requirement is not fulfilled, we will not be able to meet customer expectations.
In which regions can I work as a consultant?
Currently, we are growing with our consultant business partners in Istanbul, where foreign citizens are most interested.

To discuss all working conditions and the details of a profitable business partnership, please click on the link below and fill out the appointment request form.

What are the Most Important Differences of Working at myhomeTurkiye.com for Real Estate Agents?

Consulting in Other Firms

  • Most institutions pay for education.
  • Does not receive portfolio support or receives limited support.
  • It usually takes 6 months for new advisors to start making a profit.
  • When the consultant cannot get a portfolio, he cannot earn income. He finds it difficult to meet his expenses.
  • It makes regular monthly payments to the office under the name of system or desk fee.
  • He pays most of the advertisement fees himself.
  • He often does portfolio marketing himself.
  • He often takes calls himself.
  • He usually does the ground screenings himself.
  • Buyer-seller negotiation, contract, title deed, etc. transactions are mostly done alone.

Being a Real Estate Agent at myhomeTurkiye.com

  • No fees for basic training.
  • Receives portfolio support.
  • He can start earning from the first month he starts working.
  • It generates regular income with portfolio support.
  • No system or desk fees.Ofise
  • It does not pay an advertisement fee for sole authorized portfolios.
  • Receives office support for portfolio marketing.
  • Receives call pickup support.
  • Gets location display support when needed.
  • When needed, it receives office support in matters such as buyer-seller bargaining, contracts, title deeds, etc.

Note: In the table above, the differences of working at myhomeTurkiye.com are listed as a table. In the table, consultancy items in other companies are marked by considering the majority, and there are also consultancy firms and offices that apply different conditions.